Long Bridge Securities Pte. Ltd. (LBS) is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) under the Securities and Futures Act (“SFA”). Pursuant to SFA section 104 and Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulation Part III, clients’ monies and assets are segregated from LBS' monies and assets.
Section 104A of the SFA provides that monies and assets belonging to clients are not available for payment of LBS' debts and shall not be available to be paid or taken in execution under an order or a process of any court.
LBS ensures proper record keeping and adequate controls are in place to safe keep clients’ monies and assets.
LBS has appointed DBS Bank, Singapore's largest bank, as its custodian bank for its clients' monies. Clients can have fullest confidence in LBS when investing in any of the trading products available on our Longbridge Platform.